Start your path towards greater strength and performance today.

All members of Vengeance are coached by Sky, a professional coach who regards strength training as the most durable foundation for long-term health and optimal performance throughout all facets of life. Using a highly accessible approach, Sky is dedicated to making barbell strength training available to all, regardless of skill level or geography. If you have a smartphone, an internet connection, and a thirst for knowledge, then Sky can coach you. His method for online coaching follows a three factor approach:


Practical Programming:

Building strength and muscle requires a lot of hard work. A training plan crafted by a professional will ensure that none of your efforts go to waste. Everything from your lifestyle to your medical background, your program is made to reflect your current capabilities while also driving you towards your potential.

Constant Contact:

Coaching relies on regular, unobstructed communication between coach and trainee. Our coaching app makes receiving your program and logging your training sessions effortless, no matter where you are and on your schedule. Within 24 hours, Sky will reply with in-depth feedback and instruction on every lift and every workout. He regularly speaks with all of his clients (on a daily basis if need be), responding to every question or concern, no matter what.


Unmatched Value:

Vengeance originated to fill a void in the fitness industry. The term “coaching” has been hollowed out by opportunists and insincere hacks. Most online coaching services deliver on the programming side of things, yet fall short on the actual coaching part of the equation.
Communication, education and instruction are at the heart of the coaching process. From day-to-day interactions with Coach Sky to grinding through a new squat PR, your dedication to strength ritual will grow your health and build confidence that lasts.

No prior barbell lifting experience required.

In fact, the weaker, older and less experienced you are, the better. All you need is the willingness to learn and regular access to a squat rack, a barbell, and weights.


3 Month Commitment - $175*

6 Month Commitment - $155*

*(Paid out one month at a time)

Get started today.

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