IRON AGE Conjugate Method E-Book


IRON AGE Conjugate Method E-Book


Iron Age has it all: heavy, max effort days, explosive speed work days, and as much “bodybuilding” as you can stomach.

Iron Age will show you how to develop your own conjugate training plans by systematically stripping the method down to its core concepts for easy learning.

In contrast with the widely popular, equipment-intensive version of the method, Iron Age is intended for lifters whose access to equipment is rather limited to the essentials; for instance, a home gym centered around a barbell, plates, a bench, and a power rack.

Iron Age welcomes a larger variety of equipment, however the drive behind this program was the need to get people started on the method without the need for anything else beyond a basic barbell setup.

The focus of the program is building strength in the Squat, Bench, Deadlift, and Overhead Press as the 4 primary lifts. It also has a bodybuilding component to it that focuses on hypertrophy and physique development. At a minimum, you will need access to a decent home gym with a rack, barbell set, flat bench, etc.

Immediately after you place your order, you will receive an email with 2 downloads of Iron Age: one version for easy reading on any device and one version for easy printing.

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