STORMCROW: Strength and Hypertrophy E-BOOK


STORMCROW: Strength and Hypertrophy E-BOOK


Our best-selling program for intermediate and advanced lifters, the Stormcrow Strength and Hypertrophy Program is designed for trainees who meet the following criteria:

1. Have a minimum of 12 weeks experience strength training with barbells. If you are completely new to barbell strength training, good on you for taking initiative! I recommend the novice strength program, called Starting Strength by Mark Rippetoe, for those who have not been training with barbells consistently for at least 3 months. Worry not, this program will always be here when you’re ready.

2. Lifters who primarily want to focus on improving strength in the barbell lifts, e.g. the squat, the press, bench press, and deadlift, while also increasing muscular size as a secondary goal. While I fully expect most who use this program to see improved muscle hypertrophy, this is not a bodybuilding program. Instead, this program serves as a strength program with enough training volume and accessory work to elicit more of a hypertrophic response than a traditional strength regimen.


This is a 14-week, 4 day split, strength and hypertrophy program that is designed to culminate in the performance of a meet, mock meet, or informal testing day at the end of the 13th week.

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