The Novice Training System E-Book


The Novice Training System E-Book


Lifters of all skill levels can benefit from using this program. Even advanced lifters can benefit from occasionally training as “beginners”. However, the primary aim of the NTS is to provide an effective training system for less experienced lifters who meet the following criteria:

1. Have a minimum of 4 weeks training experience with heavy barbells. You have taken the time to learn how to properly execute each of the compound barbell lifts (the squat, the press, bench press, and deadlift) prior to this program. You have a realistic understanding of your current capabilities.

2. Lifters who primarily want to focus on improving strength and technique in the compound barbell lifts, e.g. the squat, the press, bench press, and deadlift. While I fully expect most who use this program to see improved strength and muscle hypertrophy, this is not a powerlifting nor a bodybuilding program. Instead, this program serves as a strength program with enough intensity and training volume to drive strength progress from the novice to the advanced.

As mentioned, you do not have to be a rank novice to find usefulness within these pages. The Novice Training System is an acceptable course of action for intermediate and advanced lifters who have become detrained. Whether you lost strength and performance due to an unplanned lapse in training, illness, or simply bad programming, this program is an excellent way for more experienced lifters to quickly get back in the saddle.

Once purchased, you will immediately receive a downloadable file to your inbox. This file contains the core training system and 2 expanded versions of each training split, complete with instructions, coaching notes, laid out in clear detail.

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